*happyface* what gametype is it based around?
Oh hai Mr. Linu
it's lol, cause he complained about spelling, when he even spelt his own name wrong... maybe he's a bogan.
wassup with da fiting in ur profile?
nup, sorry, I woke up late then had to do my assignment, then matt and Jack came over.
Oh... well then it's WUTEVA!
M+15 is recommended for 15 and over, but people under 15 can still bai it. It's MA15+ that people under 15 can't buy.
nope, M15+
Led Zeppelin have a really tight-assed manager, same with the Beatles, therefore he will not let the rights to their music go to another...
Not Valhalla, too hard to traverse all of that terrain.
Last Resort might be a bit small, and quite linear... for a tank at least... whereas Sandtrap would be a bit too open in a way... only other...
hmmm... it's tough, you could wait 'til TGIF to test it, or give me the gametype and map and I can test it with GoO tomorrow... but I doubt you'll...
Well, when they get Black Dog, Comfortably Numb and Layla on there I'll be happy. Although I must say, choosing A wind cries Mary over songs like...
Hendrix=Heavy Metal? when did that happen? srsly, I'm astounded that you'd be so ignorant of such a genius... anyway, I don't even like heavy...
ugh... pointless... I'm happy with my not-so-legit 45...
Jimi Hendrix and Crazy Train are the only thing that interest me from that...
I will, as soon as I get back on Halo, message me when you get it so I can take it off.
OR do that... If you need help with spawns, just ask, I'm always happy to help out a friend...
aesthetic - how good it looks, visually. symmetric - if it is the same on both sides ie. the bases are exactly the same as each other.