i like i like nice to see a new design seemed everyone had the same stratagy and everyone had the maps turns memorised... but i new map will...
i hear your having troubles w/ the pics n i have had this problem too the little ones there but when u click it it says error... i just checked...
i would still use more it gives the map appeal which is what gets downloads and satisfied coustomers... maybe fill some more space w/ minor...
hey... i think we need to fix the map the guy said yes on the vid. to give him an in game vid. n he will fly through it edit post n everything...
nice map... see why it got featured.... btw congrats on that but back on topic... floating all of that took for ever im sure so nice job nice to...
hey can u tell me y i cant update my sig... is it b/c im warned or to dumb to figure it out... or maybe both thnx Insane...
Render(s)*:http://www.zomgclan.com/nate/WG/chain%20chomp.jpg Text*:Boyle 06 Quote(3 word limit):Arf Color Scheme:w/e looks cool Specifics:joyous...
hey u needa add kidbomber on halo or kid9bomber cause he said he would do the vid. n ur the head guy so u can work w/ him since i cant till weekend...
if no1 will do that one can some1 do this one??? Name:Boyle06 Size: 500 x 150 Theme: happy Render:...
Wow nice job... layout is Win... merging is Win... appeal is double Win... looks like a space age type thing... thats creative... weapons seem...
does it have to be a render or can u just use like an image from the web???
THANK u plus rep for being a part of the community... i sent u message on the box if u need ne thing please let me no i am not really aloud to...
lol thats great so r u planing a BA sig for me lol since im on the "good side" lol if u have a good sig idea ignore mine i dont really have a good...
mez r freshman too but im not as good at sigs as u lol but i get more girls
looked really nice its nice to see another conveyer belt pallets take u out of the blocky dull look of foundry and into a wolrld of...
Wow this geomerging is an EPIC win.... this most have taken for ever... loved how you did the defender base so they have to clime in the open to...
i will help Gt:Boyle06
im a decent intrested forger i will send u a private message w/ a pic of a map me n my freind have made and r yet to release
i have a good method but am to lasy to do... put four weapon holders in like a square put a gav lift on (like in rolvolving door, or the feature...
thank u so u got ne new map ideas or ne thing u started on???