I don't know why, but when I turned on Firefox today, V3, it's scroll is different. I'm always on my laptop and I'd use the down button to scroll....
Dude, i wanna join. Last night was not fair.
Waitl.. your a mod?
I KNEW OUR BITCHIN' WOULD HELP! WOOT! *Insert serious face here* Now we must practice... *Insert not so serious face* CAUSE WE AINT TALKING...
Ergh... Ill be in tommorow. On a differentrender. My friend picked it out today. So I didn't know what to do with it. So tommorow? K?
If you all havent heard this yet. Its for those fans. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmG6Lp9nXvg The finaliy* at the VMA awards. Some say it's...
This - Planet Renders // Renders: Click image to close this window
MEE! Gimme a sec to find a render.
err?? [IMG]
Pssh. Nvm. I dont know how.
Err... gimme your size...
[IMG] thoughts? It's supposed to be simple.
My gf.
Busy chatting.
Shock is a lovely Sock Monkey.
*BETCH SLAP* 'Shoes reference'
honey nut shet-bags?