I know that you like Code Impulse so I wanted to tell you that I am remaking it in a map called High Voltage. I started it yesterday and I must...
Why did you send me an FR?
Whatever. Just tell me if you deleted somebody or sent me an FR
Can I haz answer?
Did you delete someone yet? Your friends list is full. I could use advice on something allready but I must say that geomerging in comepletely...
I downloaded v1 and it was OK. Just OK I downloaded v3 yesterday and I got a game on it and I believe its a keeper :-) The gameplay is better...
I just tried to add you but your friends list is full. Delete somebody and than send me an FR GD BlueDevil NOT GD27BlueDevil Just wanted to...
OK but make sure your friends list isn't full. If you need to delete somebody just tell me when you do so I can send you the FR. Or you vcan...
Just wanted to let you know that I am reimaginating Code Impulse into a map called High Voltage which I am sketching on a piece of paper right...
The gameplay had may problems on Code Impulse so I decided to reimaginate it ito another map (I believe it will be called High Voltage but its not...
Thankyou for posting the link to this vid! That is the best info and visual display I have seen yet! I just hope the guy in the video wasn't...
From the look of the map in the pics I can see that this map is very well planned out and looks like you spent a considerable amount of time on...
Whym did you send me a friend request?
It won't let me add you. Your friends list is full.
Did you have connection problems last night? My and that other guy fixed up the map alot. More cover, way more cover, was added and it really...
Your picture above with the cat is very funny! BTW Hope is emo, it allwase dies away... Randomly felt like saying that lol
On your reply to my map you sound like a drunk. Did you evan look at the pics? I updated them this afternoon. No shotgun, no ghost, more fusion...