*edited out*
Hey dude, our teams are facing off in round 2. Here's a link to the thread so you can post your team's schedule. Hope to see you on Yukon Canyon!
You're such a crybaby! Sheesh! Makes me wanna push you down again and laugh at you for being a crybaby. Haha! Waaahh waah waaaah.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! You can't do that! Why are you so mean to me, you bully?
I've been saving it in the freezer all year just for you. It kinda melted a little and re-froze, so it's nice and solid. Oh, and you can't tell...
Hey!! Dummyhead!! You're so dumb, it even says it in your name. Ha! Dumby Boy. *Throws a snowball at Dom's face and runs away*
How about instead of asking other people to provide you with all the answers you stop being so damn lazy and try to figure out things for...
I used the same thread. But ours was a little different since the team we were supposed to play dropped out of the tournament. But I would think...
"Roughly a week ago"? Pssh. Try 2 days ago buddy. You need a calendar.
Yes, a gimmick would be all of those things. Also something considered a gimmick: my fishtank. :( Anyway, I'm locking this folks. Go here to...
I am late to the party, as always. :( Anyway, I'm excited for the possibility of getting a map I made into this thing, but it goes against my...
Orly? Was it as good as mine? lol I fail yet again. :(
Why isn't there a topic on this already? Or is there one and I'm not being very observant? Anyway... I didn't see one in Forge Discussion so here...
Yeah, that's fine. It is your map afterall, and I'd be honored to see a map that's similar to mine. Let me know when it's done so I can check it out.
G043R... Devinish is Loyal, not Respected. Just thought you should know.
Uh, you got it half right. Go ahead and register at the site and we'll activate your account and you'll be a 'Prowler' rank. This is a temporary...
Alright Dev! Welcome aboard.
Oh Dom, I loves you now. You did a pretty excellent job. Now let's see you do 'The Final Cut'.
I got an 'Official Forfeit' via PM from the other team's leader. I'll post it in our match thread.
Hey Cosmic! We won! Yay!!!!