I winning? Aaron to make a transparent back just use background eraser on the background layer.
I kinda like it... Although it's still eh I don't think it's as bad as everyone's saying. Don't worry you'll improve =) [Spoiler]
Just for fun I made one so here is my unofficial entry... It's not very good cuz it took like 10 minutes but w/e [IMG] Also if anyone wants it...
Yeah I'll Challenge after and the theme should be anything that is bright... Anime, DBZ, maybe Halo... Those are all good.
Wow... I didn't think my first tut would get this good of reviews but thanks! You're support is really appreciated. Edit: Sdrakulich I really...
Okay... What do u want the theme to be?
Okay so I really liked my DBZ sig and it got good reviews so here is a tut for it. This is what we will be making: [IMG] This was created in...
I actually like it a lot. Even though yes it is pretty blured it looks great and the render blends well. I think you should add some silhouettes...
Added like three more variations. Thanks for all the help so far!
Much... It looks really good now. The render needs to blend a little better though.
Okay so I wasn't sure what you meant exactly but this is what came out.
Is that better? Also should I make a tut for it?
It looks really good but the sharks aren't that easy to see so that detracts from the overall effect because at first glance you notice the...
Okay so I know I've gotten into a little bit of a habit of overusing C4d's lately but they look so awesome that I can't stop! Anyway here is my...
The smudging doesn't really go with the red and white circles and the render really doesn't fit the BG either. I would add one or two effect C4d's...
The animation is really smooth and even though the drawing isn't really the greatest it is still funny and I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be...
Okay so I'm not really getting the fog feel so to do that make a new layer on the top, brush where you want the fog with a soft brush (try to use...
Okay so I did a tut and then deviated from it and this is what I got. They are in order of 1st to last. The first one I did with the tut in front...
Personally I prefer abstract C4d's but anyway.... The sig looks nice but not great. I would make it less grungy and maybe more foresty. One thing...
I vote hells... It just has so much more than .Core's and .Core you need to do something with the negative space it is killing the sig.