Me two, I will post the other maps when info and pics are released. So lets TRY to make some maps on purple reign. I do know the first name of...
Great tut. It will be helpful to people that are new at it. Though just aboout everyone already knows how. Great Job Though!
This is very helpful. I already know how to do this but,... yea, lots of maps do this. I have one og my maps like this, its a Beam Rifle. I...
Wow in that last pic, how did you get so many people? Anyway, the map ir very good. You definitly took your time, and it payed off. 5/5 and...
YEY, cool I will DL! This is cool. The swords look actually like its stomach to, thats great!
Cool, I will DL later. I don't fill like getting on now. But be sure to expect a DL. Also I will be waiting for V2, I Will Be Watching You!
This looks cool but, why is he trying to hug me? Also I don't get the name...?
I'v gotten lots of these on Infection. Not that hard depending on which gun and the zombies shields. If you get a Perfection(I got two) then its...
When I bought BF : Bad Company, there was an add on this. I was planning on buying after I saw what everyone thought. Either way I still may buy.
This is ok. I would do it in the open and make it look like "300". Also it only is realy throwing a trip mine. 3/5 and a DL MAYBE.
On gardiun you can grav ham jump over the sniper spawn. Thwn theres a little cliff you can stand and snipe on. It is also shawn in the Sniper...
This is pretty boring. All it is is an explosion, and your standing in front of it. I rate 2/5 and no DL, sorry.
If you ask me, I don't see what the big deal is. Also 1 sucked. And just to ME, I don't think its the greatest of '08. But thats me.
Yea, I now a 9 year old girl and she has all achievments for Halo. Anyway I agree with Shihuru. But I don't treat them different.
Wow, this is realy cool, and finally on Blackout and not Avalanche. You could make this infection, but its still amazing. 5/5 and a DL from me.
Yea, this is great, but I won't Bungie rate or anything but I may DL when I have a chance. I bet I can make something like this too. I rate 5...
Yes, their changing the name around a little bit. It will PRABLABLY be Assembly. Either way I can't wait to DL when it comes out!
Pretty tight. I like it better than the one in your signature because its the bottem is transformers. And I don't like transformer, so yea,...
I'm waiting for more info and I'll add to this, and a release date. And yes if you rated the 1, then you must not want to DL when it is released.
Yep, this is a perfect remake of COD. And finally not COD 1,2,3 or anyWWII ones. I DL and rate 5/5. Make More Maps!(MMM).