Yeah, everyone one had unlimited, rounds are only 2 mins long though. Also to answer the other question about the getting blown up from missing...
No they're 10 seconds to give the defenders a chance to arm up, but i was thinking about changing it to instant.
I'm assuming you mean 200? but this game looks pretty good. I think the idea but I wish there was something that could made it more interesting...
Yeah I would have to agree, this map is not as fun as one might think. I also like the idea of the soccer ball with the shield doors for...
Yeah, it can be pretty challenging for those not who are not dead aims with the Br, What you need to keep in mind is that I made this a team game...
Personally I don't really feel the splazer is unfair, when your playing with 10 people (5v5) it is near impossible to get through a round without...
Personally I don't really care for this one, I mean correct me if i'm wrong but all the zombies do the whole game is to press forward on their...
Looks good, kind of like a mix between my shoot range map and that termites game. One problem though there are a few spots where someone can hide...
they capture a territory, that's the only way to score. It's kind of like 4 sided one sided territories with only one territory. As a matter of...
The thing about the scoring system is once you are leading all you have to do is kill yourself to end the round. Other than that I more fully...
I hear ya, I think I should have enough to close it up but i'm going to have to go back and check it out. worse comes to worse i can just space...
This is a good concept for a game however, there are a few problems. The first glaring problem would be the fact that the spy can easily get out...
Thanks, I've already started working on a revamped version which eliminates the spawn killing.
Just wondering... Why exactly the 4/5? Anything that could have been better? Just looking for some more constructive criticism here.
Don't forget about the red splazor. Also thanks for all the positive feedback so far!
Mt. Mongoose by Morphine (Timeless161) [IMG] Players: 2-10 Teams: 2 Map: : Community : Forum Topic...
I'm sorry to hear that, maybe the trend has gotten out of control? Unfortunately, yesterday my 360 red ringed, I'll be out for a month. When I...
Well two of the maps are already done except a little polish. I still have some major forging to do on my 3rd idea. I just need more people for...
Re: The Best Way for Beginners to Learn The Battle Rifle This map is strangely similar to my shooting range map... except this map would require...
Thanks, I've always though it would make an interesting straight slayer map as well, not quite sure about the weapons though.