Gt is St4plgun
I highly recommend downloading this map . The structures look incredible and the gameplay must be Godly!! 5/5
I have no clue if this belongs in General chat and i dont think it matters but.. I have been in the forging 101 forum for the past 2 weeks or so...
Glad to see you finally posted it . I cant belive its finally finished. congratulations 5/5 It was fun to play on it .
k il meet u there
Hey yellow whats ur GT il add you.
il add you on xbox live my gamertag is St4plgun i suggest getting on and help me make a map ?? or just test one.
oh i thought it ended tommorow
The map looks good but the name is over - used 5/5 for the map 1/5 for thename the name doesnt count good job on the map
lol i also got a sig done by boydy check it out and its not long before the tournement starts and we both dont have partners we should probably...
il be ur 2v2 partner my Gamertag is St4plgun
This map is truly a peice of art. Ive played on this and i cant stop playing it. Its just so amazing 5/5 it deserves the feature.
it doesnt resemble Your newest map and im afraid i see alot of maps like this you can either take a 2/5 or no rating thats your choice.
The map looks great but i think that Drop in looked alot better 4/5 for its class
The map looks great 4/5
Great map its probably the best soccer map ive seen lately. Keep up the good work on forgehub 5/5 of its class
You have a 2v2 partner yet??
I love the interlocking but is it good for gameplay??
THis looks really nice the interlocking is great the race track looks so smooth and you managed to pull off the curves perfectly. Il give you a...