*Auto two bars* Jaykay. Welcome to forgehub, homie. Hope you find it welcome here.
That's what I got atm. Changed em 4 times in the first week ;) Broke em so many times. DO NOT EAT GOLDFISH FOR THE FIRST WEEK.. orange bastards.....
That's the best so far. And, Far Cry 2 just doesn't have any good stocks as of right now, IMO, so that's why it's so had to find a good sig, IMO.
500 posts? HOLY SHI-!
Too blurry. I would unblur the dude, and it actually is a really nice affect. Good job.
I asked in the Hub-Pub, and Chips is all like" Rebhez kel hem."
I thought you died of rabehz...
I got some buckets. cP-AnG3L - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting howlsstockbucket2008 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting ^Some are...
It's called Photoshop. He used that for sure, and then he took pictures abovce the map.
How is it confusing? I explained it step by step, to the slightest detail. Have you even tried useing gimp?
[IMG] win? Cnc plox?
I had an unexpected family issue that came up that I had to attend to. :(
It's not quanity, it's quality, *****. ;) Jaykay...
IxGunxSlingerxI cause I love how he made the Eye glow, his first clip masking, and just the colors are good.
That sig is win. Really win.
I don't animate. Any other specifics? It'll take but two minutes.
I'll do it. Any colors ya want?
Mines winner. And I figured it out on my own. Likey? [IMG]
I'll take it. I wanna know how you make the lines, that look like text.
I have no idea anymore. I use photoshop, but I'll update this every now and then.