That map looks amazing. Is there any interiors?
my next idea will involve slot features and a way for the last man to get out.. Version 1 was just a quick build up so i didnt forget the idea. To...
thanks :)
Stolen? I could of swore Ive played a full version of this months and months ago, Also I thought bungie created this.....
It doesnt need any interlocking, its a simple spinning circle and a little base area.... You just wanted +1 post count didnt you?
I could but the problem is, its a bit late at night for me now and no one on my friends list never test maps with me.
Ahh thank you for the explanation ^_^
Zombie Slotz V1. Here is my latest map, Zombie Slots. This game is played just like a slot machine, but can be played with a maximum of 3 people..., Our beloved site is no longer with us. Here is a picture that clearly shows has been taken down, but there are other...
Can you guys add me on XBL so I dont forget...
I would help, But i have no idea what your doing in this machinima
As soon as im online ;D
Hey there. I have a capture card that I havent used for a while. If you want me to record something from halo 3 for you then all you have to do is...
I dont hate infection. I just hate the games that give the zombies no advantage what so ever. I just really want some awesome CTF games to play.
Some of my friends are overly agressive with slayer, Wanting snipers all the time as a primary weapon.....
Hey, When I get bored of matchmaking I love to play a nice custom game. But since Foundry came out, Infection is the only custom game I EVER see...
Well. We could do hour long games? Randomizing the guns might be a bit bad. Instead, We could use Forgehubs maps that have good weapon...
Downloaded, Looks great 10/10
You wont get it until you play it. Also there is no such thing as TOO many weapons
lol im June 19 1994 :P