Cool but this is like most other zombie maps in wich humans just hide and zombies get humans. 3/5
I played this about 20 mins a go n I got a killpocalypse XD. I just basically held the trigger down on m shotty and then switched 2 my BR fast n...
I love the geomerging/ interlocking here it really looks like it would play well.
Looks like this map has great aesthetics. The teleporters are awesome. 4.5/5
This looks really fun I'll give it a DL but is there a time limit? If so what is it? cuz would'nt you just have to wait for the round to end once...
There really isnt much that makes that makes ythis map strand out. There are plenty of maps with a waterfall. Also the map looks really plain and...
Looks like a great FFA map there are some nice aesthetical touches that did'nt need to put in but ypou did anyway. 4/5 nice job
What he's trying to convey (I think) is that the elephant is like a base to defend and the other side is the attackers side and are supposed to...
From what I can see (more pics plz) this map is just begging for more interlocking it looks like it would be epic w/ interlocking
It looks like the canvas 2 shield doors and 2 barriers and an old timey effect. This is really blank.
nice map but some things look a little sloppy like the last picture. You could have also interlocked alot more and I'm not a fan of shield doors....
This is pretty good but I've seen better. You could make some more interesting features like a big X in the middle.
Cool. I agree you could do some cool special effects like blow up the fusion coils and throw stickies behind you.
This map looks really fun. I've only seen one paintball map n it was just crap piled everywhere. 5/5 DLing
This is pretty good but I think you could've added a little more. It looks pretty plain to me. 3/5
It was a good try for your first post but I don't really see any point to this map. Perhaps a trip to the forging 101 section is in order 2/5
I agree the elevator does look a little crooked but great interlocking. Can we have a weapons list plz. 4/5
Good job. I agree the armories aren't like my friends lil bro's armories that have every FREAKING weapon in them. 4/5
Armories don't ride well and it looks like the mafia can just camp with a shotty or RL next to the entrances and facerape any SWAT ppl that come...
My GT is Bluefudge