Thank you so much for posting this. I've been looking for a way to merge crates with the ground on foundry for a map i've been working on. THANK YOU.
Camping sometimes can be used as strategy, but i hate it when its the only thing people do for an entire match. That said, they implemented a...
They could actually put a lot of cool updates into Halo 3 that would improve the gameplay. I cant think of anything at the moment, but I will.
Completely agree with you E93. I myself have been guilty of complaining about some of these things. We all do it, just some do it more often than...
Just let me know when you want to record anything by messaging me here or on Live. And let me know what the machinima is going to be like so i can...
This may sound like a dumb question, but i don't know all that much about machinima. How exactly is being able to lower guns helpful?
Recon shouldn't be unlockable because it gives players something to aim for by going above and beyond the call of duty. Also, I agree with the...
Well, people who complain about this sort of thing just want to make an excuse for why they lost the match or got killed.
Hey, I don't have any equipment, but I can act pretty well. Don't have a very deep voice though (I'm seventeen and a male if that helps you to...
I have the same concern. If it is only three rooms, it could be a bit short. Or the obstacles may be a little harder, which would require less...
It looks like a decent map.
Very aesthetic. Nice
The bases are very aesthetically pleasing.
I love aesthetic maps that are also playable. Very very nice.
I like this map a lot 10/10
This map looks like a straight-forward, shoot him before he shoots me sort of map. I like it. 9/10
Love it, 4/5
This would be so much Chaos! 5/5
looks fun, but a little sloppy, 3/5
Love it. 5/5