Yah she is lulz! \/
I wove you anyways thanx 4 + rep!
Im so happy you did a V2 well its still 10/10 just with bugs fixed thanx! SilenceIzGodz!
I gives you +rep welcome ;) :)))))))
I gives you +rep!
I wove you!
Y are you not talking to me? i fell left out of something!
Can i shoop da whoop with you pwease?
Bl00D L14R you here? Lol JK homeboy/girl!
haha \/
Nice you made it into The ABCrew!
So Sean hows it been?O so you are a girl meh bad!
I can't wait to see ur next map!
I see 2 pics of Toochie!Nice drawing also.
They warned DQ teh awesome guy!:C
i know ura boy but whatever!:P
O so good luck not getting Loyal!
Yay there i made it,it was only a video i felt like sharing link> Here
o well that makes sense to but im buout to make thread i <3 forging but i just suck at it.LOL
lol well it looks like a river so i thought that and i guess you added those bridges so i looks more like a river?