1. Transformers 2. Zoolander 3. IronMan 4. The Dark Knight 5. James Bond; die another day
It seems that ALOT of people are having trouble with making out the render. Usually, renders are staring at the camera. ;P
Nope. Homework. Then Ima play halo with a friend. :D
Once again, I'll say it, the original render is in my first post. --- Meh that probably would have went better, maybe even a red to blue...
Well, I'm not sure whether it's out for Mac, but can't your mac like run BootCamp or something to run windows stuff? Or is it all too hard? >.<...
You're telling me that Mac's are REALLY powerful DQ, so, get Crysis.
You can't tell it to minimize things to it. Or can you?
Drax; 1. Make a new layer 2. Select the whole sig (Ctrl +A) 3. Edit > Stroke > 3px Black 4. Edit > Stroke > 2px Any Colour but black 5. Edit >...
Rocketdock is better than ObjectDock. Google it. Only new picture I added was this. [IMG]
Defo Mikey. I <3 the iPod things, (I made one myself) and apparently he cropped the image himself. Kudos to that.
NO I AM FORGEHUB'S OFFICIAL TRANSFORMERS <3'r. xD The first one is my own technique 'Sparkle' (SEKRET) and the second is just a Sharpen Edges....
Haha thanks. I'm really pleased with the pentools (wisps) because I've never seen them done like that before. Edited original picture into the...
[V1] [IMG] [V2] [IMG] Whats you think? Planet Renders // Renders - Movie and TV Show Renders/Transformers [IMG]
Fighter Pilot. Architect. Whatever I enjoy and hopefully gets a good pay.
DeFrag, or Re-Format. Or check for viruses. Free Virus Scan - Kaspersky Lab
That's sick. That's the second table-**** I've heard of. The first one, the guy got accused of rape.
Nope. Just on a bad case of drugs. Listen to it again. 'SHELBURN' .... 'Wut drugz...dont trent like' :P But you probably already knew that...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RjC-vh06_c Just watch it, it's hilarious.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/members/zgreenz.html May want to check his signature... I tried to get you in the IRC but you weren't responding. :P
[IMG] <3 Transformers. 'Nuff said.