Wow, I didn't think you would make an entire new backround for your premium... Props, dude. Props.
What does that make me, good or bad? :s The map is coming along greatly, if you want to get on now I can show you a preview. :D
Hmm, that narrows things down. Iced? Tristan? It could be a Little Person.
I'll occasionally have a game on Paragon, but I don't play matchmaking fairly often at all. Stats:...
I'm sorry, did I hurt your feelings dude? Sorry Brute. :, (
No need to get rash Sir, insulting never gets you anywhere. Oh, and I didn't see anything at, so I had to check some Forgehub...
Who says you can't have more than one IP? Lern fings plz.
Exactly the point, dearie. ; ) Wait, you know about my... nevermind, 'tis not important.
The IP didn't match, you sneaky devil!
'Grats dude, I'm glad this finally maked front page! Oh, and Loyal > Premium, so yeah. Ctrl + A Pretty glad you fixed that box now, huh? :P
But that would completely defeat the purpose of my stalking you... ;)
I hear the Governments balls are as tasty as it's ass, and that must be pretty sugary seeing as people are kissing that all the time. HEYOOOOOOOOOOO
Bull dogs? What do they know about health, they're dying all the time?!
The true definition of Love. Thanks, asshole. :P
I'm confused, why are you "Sticky"? Ew.
Lul. What is PoS?
Boofun. : (
You are a rather slow Locker, Sir.