hello and welcome to forgehub. if you have any questions, please send a message to me. to do this, click on my name. also you should check out...
no offense, but there's somthing about this map that dosn't click for me. its well made. but its just not for me. nice try though
i did send you a link, saying that i would help out. apparently you ignored it. but whatever. i think its possible, but like the guy above me...
i saw the first one, what exactly did you change.
ok, you could have edited your last thread. i see your trying really hard to post your maps. since there was confusion about what exactly a map...
what you do is cheating. no questions about it
ok then i'll help you. send me a freind request
when i said to make a map pack for your maps. this isn't what i meant. you must embed pics for every map, and leave a download link to everymap,...
please move this post to the proper section.
did you set it so its the defenders spawning point, not just neutral. ps i'll help you place them, send a FR gt stin10
just do what you did here. but put in 3 or so maps instead of one. but you can't include maps you posted already, like this one. ps people get...
what do you mean they spawned in the wrong places. did they spawn outside the map.