ive only seen a few maps using the outside glitches, i just wanted to post a bunch because i love to see maps out side. im not saying this is...
<>This map pack includes avalanche, blackout, isolation,last resort, construct, cold storage, sandtrap,the pit, snowbound,and foundry.<> [>Some...
k thanks
how do i have it moved?
cool, look out for my outside maps, im gunna do avelaunche and blackout next.Then im also working on a secret foundry project
yeah im trying with aveluanche right now
<>outside snowbound<> <>download link <> {}{} Outside snowbound is self explanetory. There is a teleporter that teleports outside the map. With...
hey thats mine =) Its pretty easy= [IMG] the only thing thats hard is to make them look verticle ( if you didnt get what i was implieing { and yes...
k i have a dazzle 100, where do i get a coupler and how do i make it better quality cuz it aint that good also my computar is REALY far from my tv.
ok i dont know where to get that and i have a dazzle that i dont know how to get the goods out of it
im a nublet, my tool of destruction is mellee lol:lol:
idk if this is the right forum, but i think it is. Ok so i just bought a black 80/ 90 $ dazzle dvc100 plus and the quality in my opinion is...
ummm lemme see i think its this mongoose stunt, sorry for the quality im still exparimenting with the dazzle dvc100...
its Not A Flare Or...
cool ima gunna make something like that took lol
thats coolio
where did you get the 1338- better than leet thing, i loled when i saw it.
thats pretty beast man, only thing i can make are wings.... [IMG]
oh i thought you meant that i was black listed from FH is just like WTF....lol:happy: Yeah i bypassed the profinty filter ( the thingy that makes...