very weird and cool way to expand the halo horizons
hahah good job i lol'd
very funny i thought it was going to be a sex joke though to be honost slightly dissapointed
idk if you misspelled grifball or were going for the pun with grief ball either way its funny lol
wow at first thought this was unrelated to halo i also saw something like this on youtube on one campaign level there is a bouncing picture of a...
i dont get it its blurry so its like the sh*tter graphics of halo 2?
i personally really like it great forging 4.5/5
aesthetically pleasing and great gameplay! 4.999999/5
i already reported this just incase anyone was going to bother i believe it results in another permaban
very good job, seems nearly impossible at parts 5/5 for originality
Great idea its this kind of thinking that moves forging forward 5/5
wow looks fantastic aesthetically pleasing and looks like great game play i think you have a legit shot for lmc2 gl
congrats on correct posting +rep you tried but there isnt much forging it seems like it took more time putting weapons on the map than everything...
i was full of giggles reading the hide and shank details very cool great job 5/5
wow i really like this very complex, well done map 4.5/5
wow cool def first one intense colors
very cool screen shot but i dont understand the title can you give me some insight?
very clean, very nice i like it broseph 4.5/5
haha cool but i think you should omit the fact that its m for MLG NINJA, that banned person, dont you think ELITE SNIPER, new member?...
great interlocking LOLZ