hey and how do u get up in rank on this site??
sure? umm my GT- A pOiSoNeD BR ill be on later probaly in forge cuz i have a sick idea but if im not forgin ill be doin team objective wit 2...
i mean ended it instead of savin but keep readin the message under this one
my level was a lil sloppy it was my third time makin it when it was nice and neat lookin i accedently saaved the game but tomorrow ill have...
hi do i know u
with that one picture i see it looks very neat so im going to give it a try
this map has alot of special qualitys too it. the corner walls right in front of the base make it very easy to get cover in a tight spot, with its...
this map is specially designed for people who like faced past competitive majoir league halo games. the maps geometry is different than most mlg...