HHAHAAH! Like my sig?
Lulz, a staff not setting a good example. Oh and thanks for teh suggestions on my map, I know how to make it work. I shifted some unneccassary...
Ugh, always quick to say it.
Can you edit your comment plox so no one knows it a rick roll to keep the fun going?
Said nuthin wrong, not my prtob.
Now that Blood Fire's tawt me to add links to images, Ive finally linked my sig. Thanks Blood! Not the maps though, the big one.
Im an idiot? Im getting a colledge ducation.
I asked you what it was so youd look.
Lol dom i looked i knew it was a rick roll dummy
Yeah but if you dont go to colledge you rly cant get that great of a job.
Whats in the link?
Chips posted an innaproprite link? Get off! I hate when people do that, cant believe a staff would.
But.... Hmmm... Well I mean I already know colledge is covered and paid for by my parents but idk it just seems impossible not going ot colledge.
Dont your parents pay for your colledge and crap? Please tell me you go to colledge...?
Wtf, why 19 and twelve a day. Im 14 and sometimes work 4-5 hours a day for 8 dollars and hour.
No offense but how old are you? I mean.... I thought you were like 15 or something......
Mmmm not rly. I mean I can still play various games at length and get on Forgehub as well as GoO and have a normal social life with sports...
So no more Projects or few in the future?
The how do you participate in tests, customs, TGIF and forge???