lol that was funny epic win ince again Asper!
Yay mt hyperlink color is soppused to be orange not pink it mess up or something!
yah its funny so do you like teh thread?
I <3 teh retarded police man show how did you know?
si i made a thread where you post your favorite video too lol! link--->
Your welcome sorry 4 long reply i was eating =D
Now this is better toochie it looks cool ; ) it blends with your style to!
I change it to how i like all you do is H4X Jk go to customize profile (by ur name)
O Nvm!
Why hello there Nemihara your profile looks amazing i guess!
Check out my new page!
Wtf how you make your backround black?H4XOR!
What no visitor messages!You might find out you'll be very popular here at FH i mean look at your map Salvation its what i call amazing!
Wow the layout is great but theres to much power weapons close to eachother if you make a V2 maybe even it out more like not to much power weapons.
Your a text message lol!
ToochieHxC is SPARTAA!
Yes Harry pothead is coming back in theathers!
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IDK lol!