If anyone posts anything about not up to standards after my post, they will receive an infraction. This thread will be closed on August 5th, at...
\o Tex wins.
Hmm, it seems that when you buy a 360, you are playing Russian roulette with a loaded revolver. Im sorry for your hard times with silly Microsoft,...
What qualifies you to join the GSA? This a generic question I ask everyone before I choose what I should do.
Because Im awesome?
Caboose has shown you the light. Thread closed.
Don't get your hopes down, but don't get them up either.
Wow, don't ask for it. Ever. Coloured members discuss who receives loyal, and who doesn't.
There have been a burst of upgrades, because in the past, there was a lack of it. The waves are over for a long time.
Last night. Tex is a mod as well.
ForgeHub tries to refrain from keeping modded maps.
Im not here to curb your boredom lol. Go play in the off topic forum. >_>
Maybe. Where are you going with this?
.cam a evah I
¿ko ,mu
¿ris doog olleh yhw
Oh, why hello. Lets have an infraction party? Rep parties are overrated. :3
Lol. Okay. Still, can you make a thread? Im going to go ahead and delete the two free agents threads.