it looks easy for camping, and seems liek the zombies are effed. i think you could maybe make some treehouses for the zombies to spawn in, alond...
bro this is almost perfec, the racetrack looks real fun, it seems difficult but fair, and some of the best curved hills ive ever seen, 5/5 and a...
scop, this looks awesome. interlocking and geomerging are both sick, especially for your firts big map. gameplays awesome along with aesthenics. 5/5
first of all, why are my comments starting in the middle of the box anyway, map looks oky, you used the energy wall things to boared it off right?...
map loks pretty good, okay interlocking. it has a pretty good layout, i think the roof is kinda messy though, maybe work on thta a little.
ive seen this done before, and maybe a little better...wasnt this a featured map, or minigame, or something. i remember seeing an awesome one,...
the map looks well made, awesome interlokcing and geomergin, with great gameplay. everything runs smothe nice job. see you in margaritaville, bro.
ha well i wouldnt want you to do that, now would i? Edit; how many entrees were int he last LMC (notice how i edited instead of making a new...
bloumbas-you commented above me about interlocked thing flipping out, so i said that helps me, because i tested that, and my stuff didnt flip....
yall now on its only rated 4/5? wtf, who rates something this welll made a four?
i actually did read the discription, i like the map and the story, i think its pretty well made, but you may be able to grenade jump out of some...
map looks pretty well made, i dont remember that purticular map from the game though, mainly that one with like the sewers undderground, and...
this map looks epic, your interlocking is perfect, with a schweet layout. its tough forging up there, you did an awesome job, im DL'ing now, hope...
good job on correctly posting your first map it looks fine, interlocking would be more aesthenically pleasing, and make for better gameplay,...
its actually pronounce "my clan and I", but dont worry about it, my ocd's not kicking in. So yah i see you map, small pic but whatever. i think...
okay, that last comment, about it going crazy helps, cas i tried it out with the shield dorrs and they don't i just didnt wanna get my map banned,...
i think the map looks okay, real open though, and since interlocking isnt a big part, you could undo those and enter the lazy mapmakers contest, i...
the first couple of maps all look unappealing, but that last one looks like its made by a whole differant person, so the last map is the one im...
gametype sounds cool, map looks pretty well made, but can you grenade jump out? i think you can. anywya, map looks cool bro, 4/5
the map looks small, i think you might need more pics, from what i can see, its only a 2/5 man, sorry.