Underneath someone's avatar, next to their post, you click on the rep button. It looks like this: [IMG]
Yes, like all the other members of the site, I can give both + and - rep.
Not bad, how about you...?
You know what... I bet it is a loyal+ thing.... I haven't seen any regular members with albums..... Hmmmm........ Now you just need the status of...
Thats odd, mine looks like this: Networking Contacts & Friends Social Groups Pictures & Albums Actually, just try clicking on that link right...
Hmmm..... I don't know...... What does it say when you try...?
I actually have made videos like this for my photoshop class. It can be an awesome project if done correctly.
The only people who can enable/disable your rep are the admins and yourself. You can turn it on and off in your usercp.
Hmmmm...... I have had this avatar for a long time..... A really long time...... On other sites as well...... I am fine with you using it, but is...
Problem resolved, thread locked. Um, you unlocked it...... lol...... I'll get it.
Um.... Thanks..... I think......
If people don't start posting educated comments, this is going to end up in the Off Topic section.
On my screen there's a little anvil.
Locked for 1 month, by user request.
You can't, you have to ask an admin.
You are correct. You guys need to stop arguing about this though. Get back on topic. Posts DO count here, this is not "Off Topic." This thread...
That doesn't even come close to a bannable offense..... or even infraction worthy for that matter..... This however, will.....
Nothing I can really do about it at the moment....
Well, I gave him an infraction for double posting and bumping his own thread. I didn't even give you an infraction. I -repped you for being rude...
I think the key word here is "Rumor" for the only way it can be confirmed is if Bungie releases info on it.