um thx i guess =|
omg what a freaking awsome map
haybusa ninja you are such a noob like the rest people who said the same thing *ITS THORWN TOGETHER ON PURPOSE GOT IT NOOB?*
Darkend lol its a thrown together map its supose to be that way! are you like def or something cause theres like tons of posts that say *its...
hmm i will fix that soon when my xbox is reapired as the problem is said on my sig =)
sweet i remember when this map was first posted. quite a while ago. and it actually got featured sweet. gratz on the feature to
i dont really get a good feel of the map its just not fun looking. get some more pictures and it will be better.
really cool i like that theres no foundry floor (it bugs me like crazy the floor makes the map look bad)and that you are enclosed in the place...
pretty cool the design looks like a horse definatly. not like Dragon Mondays which both sides look like the head anyways good humor on the farts...
? hat do you mean albino rampage? before you go to jail your free and your running fomr the cop's
it probably is we just got the elites to stand there (spartan and elite)
athis map is pretty tightman great job
o.....m.....g...... this seriously made on foundry its awsome its huge and very fun to play on im not a very good judge of this buyt i think it...
pretty cool. lol howd the guy get in the box
i dont know what to say but um its a bit plain needs way morestuff to it
itd be nice if you added more detail on to the map not saying there isnt any but just needs more and its perfect
i dont know why but i never thought this good of a map could be created on this map. just thought it was a bad forge map but i was wrong
what would be awsome is having forge hub do activities like an admin or mod creates an obstacle course and you put the link and some pictures on...
could you maybe show the rest of the map i mean if thats it, it doesnt matter id like to see the whole map like difrent angles of that structure to
dude nice map um not really much needs to be done to it maybe the wepons could be difrent or placed somewhere else