On one hand I feel like the parents should be able to name their child whatever they want, on the other I'm thinking ... What the **** is wrong...
Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 (pronounced ['albin']) was a name intended for a Swedish child who was born in 1991.[1] Parents...
ROFL NICE! That's ****ing fantastic =]
Hello Daedalus, I am here to say hi but not because I want to make you feel welcome. I'm saying hi so I can ask why Murdock Sampson is spamming...
Or you could just install Windows Live Mail with Windows Live Messenger and use the that, which I think is easier and better. And you can add...
Lololol well yeah, good for him. =P
True, I'm just saying the father might by thinking a little less innocently then you might be thinking. I mean his family would be getting tones...
Except in their country she is being treated as a reincarnated god because of the way she is. Here in Australia or America she would just be...
Odd, oh well just check out the source site if you want to see the pictures.
Are for me...?
Inside Google (Behind-The-Scenes) Date: 26 Jul 2008 | Author: mesmerx We already knew that working for Google had certain advantages, but,...
I have my sources =]
[img] 5-Year-Old Leaves Day Care, Goes to Hooters [IMG] DENTON, Texas -- Denton police say a child was able to sneak out of his day-care...
2 Faced Baby Born in India A very special girl was born last March in a small suburb of Delhi, India.[IMG] She was born with 4 eyes, 2 noses, 2...
No need for something like this when we are starting to not even need hard copies any more. I say stop releasing CD's and start releasing...
If they can illegalize that, and plan doing so then what's next? I don't care for emo and goth but there are limits...
Emo and goth to be made illegal in Russia [IMG]The Russian government is in the process of drafting a law to make emo and goth music illegal....
Only in your eyes my beloved
Maybe I should just add the word **** to the title =]
ROFL, The Doors... Silly Sarge