This looks ike it be a fun snipers map, but I think that theres too much open area to play anything else, you might get away with playing CTF but...
I love shotty Snipes with a passsion, I am definatly a sniper in any group I play with but for working 10 hours, dont you think you could've inter...
You know I've always hated duck hunt but this looks like it could be better. I'll definatly DL. Maybe next time interlock more.(V2)
I don't know if I can truly rate this map until I play it, it looks like it would be almost too hard to stay on top of the surfboards especially...
All hail the starwars geek. lol jk. This looks fun and well thought out. I'll probably Dl when I get a chance. One suggestion though, you may...
It looks like a fun map for the "Lazy Map Maker's Contest" and thats not an insult. But I dont see any interlocking. If there is please tell me...
It looks very simplistic but fun! I think there needs to be maybe an underground level...Just an idea, I like secret underground levels.
Look, I really like your idea, and I like the different floors, but... (uh oh heres a but) Theres barely any interlocking from what I can see (...
Thanks for the help I really never knew what those options were for.
It looks fun but it's not astetically pleasing. You need to interlock and geopmerge your stuff. If you don't do it then it looks like your lazy...
it looks ok but it doesnt look like there's any inter locking or stuff to do
It looks cool but i've played and besides the doors, nothing is interlocked. I love your idea but maybe in a V2 you can interlock somemore. I...
I found that first one about a month ago and showed to some of my friends, I thought it was a gorilla face Nice finds though
I hate being the dark demented guy, but I believe that if the tazer killed him he probbly had some other problem (like drugs) and if he was...
I can't say that's origional, but it looks really fun. I need to DL and get somepeople to play with me. I like that you an't just shoot and kill too.
Great map. I think that your drawing made the presentation. It easier to see that way. Theres no way your can ully describe a map with pictures...
The windows are jk. It looks good and that trailer kinda freaked me out. I'm a sissy when it comes to scary movies. I'll DL, it...
It reminds me of the map on Halo 2, I cna't remember the name but it has the outside ring and then the centerpiece. Always played swat on it....
Wow great. Definate download, but you said you wanted constructive critisism so I'll think of the most tiny thing in your map that could...
What bungie really needs to do is make a map editor for the computer and then users could upload them to their xbox360's. The Map...