Oh wow, two great maps featured back to back! I love Sapphire, it's completely original and the Rave game type fits the atmosphere perfectly!...
:) You're ****ing welcome, lulz
Snack, you misleading jerk! How dare you kill my hopes like that! Seriously though, I'm glad this is featured. I still don't see the 'S' shape of...
Have fun in Japan! (I also would have offered to be your 2 v 2 partner, but we can't even get in a game together...)
Already done, browse the forums a bit more before starting a new topic, especially one that's already been brought up....
GoO shoutbox plz.
That's fine don't worry over it. And to set an avatar, click 'User CP' on the black bar underneath where it says ' PhantomBishop's Profile', and...
Nothing, woke up a little ago, gotta take care of a few things here at the house. Yourself?
Who, now?
Support the cause! [IMG]
Fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it please, Sir.
Thank you for the positive comments, Sirs, again: It is much appreciated. I'd love a tiny bit of feedback, what you would like to see and such in...
tecks, mahn whadup witchoo dawg?