interlocking and geomerging would make this looks better, itas not unique, theres a few maps like it, but i think this could be good w/ some work
wow thia is your first post? awesome, you got the pics up, and the map is sweet you gut a DL from this guy
it looks like it needs A LOT of interlocking, it looks very sloppy. Also the coils may lag it up. Theres better maps for this type of game then...
the merging is good in some spots, yet sloppy in others. Also geomerging would be nice. The map looks too open also, and whats the floating...
it could use work interlocking and more complicated rooms. it looks a little easy, nothing too new, maybe add some more difficult things.
dont worry bra its hard to post your first time it took me forever
come on bra ya need to get these pics in her sounds pretty good
looks good i liek it, because you added a new thread you kicked a new map out of the front page, but since you did two you removed 2 maps from it,...
nice job, those are all awesome, one thing i would say is(constructive feedback) is the freater or whatever in the first map could become a...
good looking map, worthy of a feature...maybe. i like the design of the base, it looks really well made,and im happy to see its on standoff.
looks good, i play predator all the time but thhis may be better then what we play on
I like it Scop. You make a lot of maps like this, no scope and sticky battles, but this one seems really well made, not like your others arent,...
It's small, but thats not neccesarily a bad thing,the items you merged are done decently, though more could be used for cover, Geomerging would...
assming its a race mao, i like the name if it is
sweet name, thats all i can comment on so far, now tht the pics are wrking, its a pretty messy map, it could use some work.
thanks bra, everyon here appreciates it
coome on bra, this could be the next reflew and we might not know it \
good job, this looks awesome, gameplay seems extremely fun, i love it. Great idea, nice job with this one. way to go my friend.
from what you have it looks good but ya need more then 2 pic to get a download from this guy
good ideas with the terleporting, but geomerging would make this map that much better