Incidently does anyone know if legend pimps GT has v3 on the end of it? I think i played with him awhile ago... He definately wasnt using a...
Your IP is to do with your modem i thought,so its doesnt matter if you'v three...if youv only got one modem between them.....
If it was him,he was in to raise the "ooh ahh" factor of the announcement bungie were making.But that was cancelled so...
Ok fine,the vids are evil.You know what they shouldnt make them. That way people who already know them can continue to mop up others becuase no...
Well actually hooglebug this is for the most part jsut another halo community site.It has an emphasise onforge but in the halo discussion section...
What they think the mantis was,was a walker that had arms that allowed it to climb.Aswell as guns. It was a walker.No need for the "omg hes a...
Hey naptiva...sine your modem scrambles your IP into six...doesnt that mean you can get 600 a day? Omg supa haxorz?
Lol at tex and linu XD
Guy im pretty sure he just told us something we already mentioned is similar or close to what the next game is, judging by his blog id say playing...
I hate the way were not even allowed mention it in posts...i mena if they really did arrest/fine everyone who illegally downloaded who would be...
Dear god if you were irish and didnt have that hat thing or the anime thing youd be me! Although zelda rocked on the nintendo systems too :D Cept...
I'd say almost definately,they're doing this with microsofts permission after all.Plus its an rts and they always work great on Pc's :) EDIT:...
What happens in the second ending?I dont ahve the dvd and i cant be assed downlaoding it :)
Actually the modding community has found a vehicle in the coding that they believe is like that. It was called the "mantis" and they think it was...
Ill help test your smaller map.Send Supa Midget000 a friend request,ive been doing F all on FH other than posting for awhile so its time i...
Well there,that makes it seem like you were just trying to argue for the sake of it. Like i said earlier matty never said it wasnt wrong.All he...
If your not an american do what yer man back there said.Make an american silver account and use that
Ok now i really feel like punching you in the throat [IMG]
Sigh Happy now mr.ill jump on the bandwagon and make supa midget feel like a total **** :P
Well when do you use a winking smiley face? When your being really serious about what your saying?