Hey G04, how's Loyal treatin ya? Just wanted to point out an error in your Bisquit quote. "It's not how you look... it's not how much money yo......
Hey Cosmic, what do you think about copying your Homeless Joseph story over to Van Nevi's? That topic's dying out.. we need to revive it.
Thank you guys. That is definitely one of the things I wish more people knew about this map. It was very challenging to do, and I'm glad that we...
I don't know. Still haven't decided on anything.
Hey, what's up? Isn't GoO amazing? lol Anyway, you doing anything for this month's contest?
Oh yeah, I was on top of my game that match. Had quite a few good kills, but that stick was probably the best. If I had delayed throwing that...
Ok man, that's cool. Good luck with everything.
Lol, I know. I was just joking. I didn't realize you had so many blog posts though. Crazy!
What?? You're siccing your army of fans on me?! That's fine buddy. I got fans too. This is only just beginning.
DUUUUUUDDE!! Where have you been???!?!? It's been DAYS!! Come back! I miss you
I see I have a new vote on my blog and that I'm no longer the highest ranked. Is this your doing? Do you want to start a blog war Furious?? lol
Haha. "Frank! Are you real? Frank, you gotta tell me... are you real?! Dammit Frank!"
Hmmph! So, he's back in the land of the living huh? Back when my team needed to play him he was always MIA. Never answered my messages. [/angry...
Grrr.... I really hate to say this, but it looks like I may have to forfeit. It looks like I don't have a team anymore. Having that much awesome...
Team PainTrain: I propose the same time as Cosmic's. 8:00 pm EST tomorrow night.
Hey Furious. I've been on since 8 tryin to get a game on, but I'm getting no reply. Your team is you, TXGhost, and Draw the Line and someone else...
Me too. Good stuff.
Hey, so when are you getting Premium? I was going to congratulate you here, but you haven't gotten it yet for some reason.
Lol! It's the semi-finals and my team may actually have a chance to play! I hope I'm not rusty with all my time spent playing GTA. Anyway, Team...
Not at all. What'd you do to it? I wouldn't mind playing it someday.