I am a free agent needing a team.
Thanks for the positive feedback.
Yes but thats the point of the track. Passing is difficult unless they fall off which is likely to happen.
Release the resistance and race on Sandtrap. You know you want to.
Dune Race (Click here!) Features a bridge/jump over the middle gully, starting lights, 3 natural dune jumps and a jump off the cliff that goes...
That's strange. It worked when I first posted it.
It's three leveled.
It stops people from standing in the objective but people can still cheat by taking shortcuts on the beach so it doesn't completely stop cheating.
It's right next to Map Location: at the top of the page.
Yeah I couldn't think of a name so I just called it the highway because it goes high.
Island Race (Click Here!) Features a bridge of containers over part of the track, a container/grav lift jump, starting lights, an objective you...
It's pretty hard to get an overview pic.
The Highway (Click here!) Features a track that spirals upwards along the walls, starting lights, shield door assisted turns, a mancannon jump and...
It will go up more if you do better than people with a higher skill.
Have you published it to the community forums?
They made them weaker? I didn't notice.
The beam rifle never seems to work for me. I like the sniper better.
I like the new layout because I don't have to scroll across to reply anymore.
It's fun but it gets hard on the last few levels. I love the last level though because then you use an awesome mech.
You might have to change them. Go to Help and Support in the start tab on your computer.