heyyyy this map looks real cool best iv seen on avalanche 2 ill dl usually people do the cliff thing on blackout.
i guess i know why its called simplicity good job but i probly wont dl cause i have no space on my hd and i would never play it but i like the map...
i love this map the fence walkways remind me of sewers my eagle and theta good job this could get a feature in the future =P 5/5 good job silence...
lol this isnt the best idea because first you never know what people will need and usually you block your map off at the end usually with fence...
iv played this map before its alright theres weird bases to it and they are to closed off but its not bad 4/5
looks good from those microscopic pics you have there
looks simple and a very quick thought up idea
looks alright not for me tho
for that i was trying to just get a 2 sided sign with a on one side b on other but i interlocked it perfectly and got a red/yellow slash on it so...
i hate isolation but maybe this weapon set would make it better... i dunno
i like that platform with the hole in the middle thats for sure my style i like this one il dl 5/5
lol blood i recomended it to you like yestarday but you were ignoring me =(
that chute looks intense
looks like a solid remake 5/5 for that i play snake in smashbros NO ONE CAN BEAT ME
like the staircase merges
not bad a bit open
ty for posts guys.
hehe its a really tiny map so i dont get how the respawn system would work with out getting raped with a rocket once you spawn i dunno
was this on bungie favs? i like the tunnel
those interlocked bridges are tight well done