Who's this Yavi guy? something tells me he doesn't exist.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/profile.php?do=editavatar That should work... just upload a picture just like you did for your profile pic.
Hehe, sounds like fun. I'm in.
Of course, who doesn't love it?
Problem resolved. Locked. Next incident of 'I dun no it waz soolen' from you it will be an infraction.
I loved it Tex. The only thing you should have added was when one of the mice went up on that rock that one game... That part was hilarious......
What's up? Haven't heard from you in a while...
Nothing, nothing at all. I'm bored beyond imagining... Got nothing to do this summer. Just re-watching Zeitgeist again...
Not much either, pretty bored.
There's no need for the exclamation marks, the only purpose they serve is to draw attention. It's not fair to the other maps. They were removed.
That would be a good point, if not for that fact that Jet A kerosene doesn't burn nearly hot enough to weaken steel girders. Infact Jet A kerosene...
Last time I check I've never seen a passenger jet that isn't completely full, before, or after 9/11. So I wonder why the four that were 'hijacked'...
Unless someone see a problem in me doing this I'm going to go ahead and lock this. It died nearly five months ago, until the recent necro-post...
I'll refrain from commenting on the first few points for the sake of this thread. But it is people's fault, all the members that have been...
That may very well have been the best thing I've watched in a long time. It was amazing, yet It makes me want to punch something at the same time.
Happy birthday. :3
I disagree. In no way do I support suicide, but I can understand it. If you have no desire to live, and you're that depressed do you think that...
Good point, but these are just a few great maps going against a tidal wave of unoriginality. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to enjoy what we...
Half of what it is? Are you referring to the army of members who spam and serve absolutely no purpose other then just being annoying? or are you...
This is one of my favorite eggs. That, and the food nipple grunt...