its an instaspawn explosion, nothjing special only thing it does is make llllaaaagggg
i cant maka video but i will show you in a game if you show me the two way elevators, i have on but it r not so great, its in my map perimeter
go to this site for all your switch making needs ############## also check out the switches in my sig if you like switches, pretty cool dude i...
ya infection is a gametype now but this looks awsome lololololollolooolllolololol
i made a better door, its hydraulic
no haz can play cLoV3rFieLd!@#$%^&
cant wait to see it :)
hey thanks alot man and if any1 wants to make a cool map outa this go ahead i wanna see it though cuz i havnt had enough time make one yet
pretty sick dude 5/5
what was it again anyway/?
well most fighting is done jumping around and on the buildings and bridges but i no it looks crowded but thats b/c of the horizontal view of the...
nice idea fo new people i no one of my friends could probably use this
ya thats the problem the whole jumping thing but im working on it =]
nice job mango i played this when i joined your party it was kool =]
?ummm ok did u like the map? or did u not play it =[
very cool i love it it looks just like the cheif =]
well i think so.......i like splattering people with the volcano =] team/freeforall BR's is most recommended
really? thank you do you understand it....cuz noone i tell does =[
why ty but what i mean for more people is that the score limit for each round is one so for say, 3 people you need to raise it up one to make it...
nnnooooo UUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lolol good times silent =] but ty