Nooooo =[ ****, Piss, ****, ****, Cocksucker, Motherfucker and ****.
Indeed it is =D See, that's not gay at all =]
Why? Read OP
Very nice, so simple yet beautiful ♥ I might try something like this out =D
What you're saying may as well be as ridiculous as saying 1+1≠2 Enough of this sillyness, Gay Marriage noa EDIT: Forgot about sig, thanks Nick
Google BBC NEWS | Health | HIV origin 'found in wild chimps' The Origin of HIV and the First Cases of AIDS Also as people have already...
That doesn't even make sense! And that comment is spam! And I guess this is too... Interesting vid though o_O
Thankyou ♥
Rainmobile, definitey. This Warthog is even too gay for me =]
Wow that's the gayest warthog I have ever seen... See what I did there =D
I can make up facts as well, the earth is flat and trees are purple. Thankyou Umm I think the video is pretty self explanatory. I'm not blaming...
And what, may I ask, does the Master Chief have to do with forgeing?
If that ever happens... -shudder- Anyway, it's still FORGE, so it would probably just be a subcategory somewhere You don't need a second Off...
Wow... NECRO posting sucks... WHY!!!! Sure it's still an awesome video... BUT WHAT THE HELL!
[img] Another classic science fiction franchise is getting the "reboot" treatment, but its biggest star could be even harder to recast than...
Heyy thanks, I'm good ♥
-standard reply- Okay well firstly you cannot link to BNet images, because as you can see it does not work. You need to save the image to your...
I couldn't even laugh at that comment... That was incredible... I realise how this may sound but just like Project, this almost brought me to...
Wow... I can't see me liking this game but it sure shows what's possible doesn't it. I'm not much for war type shoot 'em ups. I'm not into the...
Is it just me or does that arm looking real... That's is amazing o_O New games like this make me wonder how far Bungie is going to push the...