This looks way to hard to be fun it looks like there is no way possible to finish the whole course in one try im sorry but this is a really bad...
Looks to small to make games fun i agree that there should be a basement thats a good idea but you should make a v2 cause its a good start but it...
looks good but i have already seen like 5 maps exactally like this one but i am impressed this is very good nice interlocking and angleing so ya...
this isnt a symetrical map symetrical means the same on both sides this map is not but other than that this map looks good so ya nice job
Dude i just played this map i love it but i dont really like the part where you can fall down and just play down there i dont really know how to...
i love it i would love to be a judge too my g-tag is Jakattak418 just send me a friend request id like to see what else you got but ya nice job i...
I agree with bacon luvr you need to work on that but other wise ya nice job
Dude edit this up from what i can see looks good but all i can see is one pic so get some more but so ya nice job
Ya a wepon list would be a good idea but the pics do look good i like the interlocking nicly done so ya nice job
I like it but it seems to open and i guess it is just seems to me like you didnt really do any work i know you did but from the pics it looks...
I like it it looks good but i could use more pics but overall way to go so ya nice job
I love it these maps are awesome i really like the rockwall it is so cool i had never thought of it before and i like the other two maps also but...
this looks really poorly built i mean in the last pic the box on the right is like falling over you can do better man so ya nice job
nice work i like the idea and how you made it i would have never thought of making a giant macarana guy but wow way to go so ya nice job
dude enlarge the pictures and than i will consider dnlding but now all i can see is a big empty house i dont know if that is right cause i cant...
i really like the idea but i dont get why you didnt get some actual pictures also but anyway so ya nice job
If you get the pictures fixed i will be glad to take a look but until then bye bye so ya nice job
this looks like so much fun to play i reallly like the interlocking so ya nice job way to go
nice interlocking skillz man way to go this looks like so much funn i will deffinetly download so ya nice job
this map looks like so much fun i cant l believe you made a whole map above blackout it looks so fun to play i will deffinetly downlod so ya nice job