looks ok but more pics to get an idea of the layout maybe?
looks pretty cool ill check it out
the first gif is really fast might wanna check that out but its not that original. yea it looks great, yea it might play well, but to me it is...
sweet i love race maps so i will check this one out
if anyone understands what he just said, pm me and i will give you an e-cookie... the map is pretty cool i will check it out sometime soon
looks pretty cool i like the layout of it, but epic fail on the name lol. anyways aside from that, it looks pretty cool and i will check it out...
i never saw any difference between the two, so i dont know what to say...other than that looks ok, i might give her a shot and check it out
it is actually bigger than it looks because my stupid xbox bricked on me, and i couldnt take any more screenshots so when i get my xbox back from...
looks pretty cool im a huge fan of rocket race, a sniper race seems pretty cool ill check it out, but instead of putting the link to every map, do...
meh. looks pretty decent, but like everyone else said, maybe a few shots from the inside would convince me to download looks good though
looks cool ill check it out
looks cool, is this your first map? if so then this is much better than my first post. looks pretty cool from what i can see and i cant wait to...
i have never seen a spaceship as creative and unique as this good job 5/5
i wonder if it will play out like foundation did on halo 2. looks incredible, the radius fence thing was pretty cool EDIT: hey snip3r, two...
hhmmmm havent seen something like this before looks good
looks pretty cool, i like the idea of the ramp box with handholds/rails. very creative ill check it out
this looks pretty cool ill check it out. now what is with the twisted pic is that what it looks like or something? it definitely caught my...
looks very well done good job i will check it out
props for not being on a dlc map this looks really good ill check it out sometime
looks pretty decent ill check it out good job