How many people per day do you think search on youtube "forge"? I'm Guessing alot give the video some tags with Forge, Halo 3, Maps, Ect and you...
Owner how does that help him, ^a big post count doesnt mean you are a cool person. Hey I see your having trouble embedding your images into your...
Shame its for aesthetics only really that would be fun though a mongoose that splattered like a ghost and had the boost ;(
lol xD If only it actually worked (Sigh)
Hey some of may have or may not have seen my "Pimped Out Warthog" well if your the majority that hasn't you can visit it Here. Ok this is my...
If he did that then you wouldnt read the "wait, what, how did you do that?"
Giving all my other projects a break and im starting the aesthetic map pack now. Im currently making a rocket propelled mongbull :) Ill post...
Understood its quite an easy thing to do, but simply most people dont think outside the box, the see the roadblock and think they cant...being...
:) Like i said after my project ill release them in a aesthetic map if you people are interested =]
Hes a perv too, grabbing the boob O.o Almost H3 Pronography
For some reason I cant video the anything in campaign however my Mp4 player could record it and I could upload it to youtube. BUT it will be in...
Hey guys I know this isnt really a spectacular image or anything but im interested to know who here as actually made it through the "Broken...
Lol i feel godly after watching that - yeah im just showing fh how i play obviously im not the best but i think i can handle myself with a sniper...
Heh it does play quite fun its quite competetitive to not much room and you have to fight for the good guns to win in effect unless your some kind...
yeah man i editd my first post after realising what an awesome peice of forgery this really is, added a few suggestions
Its funny actually linub because this map reminds me of the map I made on ratsnest lol obviously a popular layout This map is very nicely laid...
Hey cool man i might finish it eventually
Hello, After downloading this map and having a forge through I cannot as it were comment on the gameplay but your weapon placement seems to be...
I have to disagree with the post above where it says you can use more interlocking. I think you have done a substantial amount of interlocking...
Lol @ lindubix Glad you enjoyed v1, could you comment on my bungie thread before it gets lost in the belows of INFECTION Maps.