Exactly. They've only been creating it since forever so if it sucks (which naturally it won't, since it's Duke Nukem) there's going to be hell to pay.
Wow this took me forever to get. It's actually pretty funny, and I probably wouldn't have noticed them reading a script if I saw that on TV.
Do you really feel cool posting this?
Knowing ActiVision's song choices they'll probably choose to have only newer Metallica songs in the game. :( They probably would have had more...
I find #7 works best for me, I play 1-2 times a month (at most) and I rank up like a beast, I've only played like 10 games from Commander-Colonel.
The only way I'd buy GH4 is if they actually included songs that people liked instead of ones that are challenging, because GH3 had like what, 8...
First of all, this is definitely legit. The select button is an alternative and is much more efficient in deploying starpower. You also can tell...
I don't think this will happen, it's just that the internet is vastly different in function than TV that it wouldn't work out. I wouldn't want to...
I find SWAT so irritating though, which is why I got my 40 in Lone Wolves. For some reason, people are just terrible before 40s and if you don't...
I'm surprised you didn't mention the M16 in there, it's one of my favorite weapons for stealthing with. The range and damage can take out an enemy...
How do you think 2 is fast? It's really slow, but it lets you win BR battles easily. But it makes you suck on the Warthog, or fails you out in...
Wow. You had some good points there. I really don't see what the big argument is about, COD and Halo are two completely different games that...
I'm in the 1 pigeon club fo sho.
Yea, the Xbox version doesn't have a console code. A lot of people I know have trouble running Morrowind not extremely slowly on PC, so even if...
Lol @ Ironman Demo topping off at #8.
True true. I have never felt the urge to play any of Bethesda's other games, because they just aren't good. At all. Chameleon isn't near as much...
I don't think there was a teleportation glitch, otherwise I'd probably know about it. The only way besides recall I know how to teleport is...
Am I the only one here who glitched out all their skills and stats? Man, original edition had soo many glitches in it. Although the one that...
I would have to agree, the film editing was much too extreme, half the time the screen was shaking like you were having a seizure and the other...
That, plus half of the games are Brawl Rockets on Ghost Town with 12 people...