this map looks brilliant. awesome design. nice job.
looks very wizard-like. good job it looks very structured. the buildings all look cool too.
looks like a terrific fortress map. in terms of neatness and stuff i see no flaws of any kind. it looks like a great map with a perfect layout....
i think you have every right to boast about this map. i really can't think of anything to say. it's excellent. well done. great job. none of...
i love the maze look to this. i don't really get the door from these pics but i guess i'll just have to download to find out. i really like this...
first of all i don't really see how these maps look that much alike. they seem to have very different styles. second of all, it's a map pack...
I really love the first pic. How it is another level with windows looking out to below. I love maps with different levels and places to go, so...
i really like the design and layout of this map. that is the first thing i noticed about it. excellent use of scenery and such. it looks like...
what are the objects in the first pic? interesting to see a ghost town map. it looks good i like maps that get dark it's pretty cool, it has a...
has a nice hilly look to it, the interlocking is great. it looks interesting to say the least, but the gameplay doesn't look like anything...
this looks like a really good simple map. the design is perfect and looks a lotta fun to play on, great job!
Holy crap. This is an very creative and original idea! It looks awesome! Great idea, really nice job!
this looks really awesome! looks like a really good race track a lot better than most of the ones i see. good job!
the design and interlocking is wonderful, but it looks really small. looks good but i'm questioning the playability.
Do mine eyes deceive me? A Guardian map??? Awesome job. Looks really nice the game sounds really good and the map is awesome! Looks pretty...
the map looks pretty good. not great, but good. it has an interesting design at least. looks simple but still unique. good job.
WOOOOOOO 509th POST!!!!!!!!! Awesome map. Absolutely amazing. Maps these good usually leave me at a lack of anything to say except, terrific...
this looks like an amazing practice room for sniper ricocheting! brilliant idea, absolutely genius! this is a must download!
very nice! great map pack they all look really good! i won't get into details too much because of the amount of maps, but i will just say they...
the first few pics looked like pretty good tunnels, then at the pic of the other part it looks really awesome. nice job looks good can't wait...