these isnt reall a bottom its a diamond shape base for the reds and blues
thanks! =)
Awsome Freakin Map Dude!!
thanks paulie always nice to hear from sombody from forgeguide
hey tyrant check out meh map
hey paulie check out my map
whos commander matt? and thanks
*UPDATE* added new pics and a description like you guys wanted
no they dont always spawn in there thats just the begining spawn and flag bomb spawn
yeah i gtg to school ill post more pics later about 3:00
i tried with rockets it still doesnt get high enough
yes and none of them could get out neither could i
ok guys this is my first time posting a map on forgehub so cut me some slack FRC Alpha canvas: foundry players: 2-10 gametypes: slayer oddball...
sick map!!
cool map!!
hey tyrant paulie told me to ask you for an invite for forge masters
paulie is forge masters taking apps?
hey paulie is forge masters taking any apps?
hey tyrant