I played it with 16 people... It was intense!
It's kinda creepy... Is it gonna represent FH?
Rain, why ish it closed to teh bunzors?
Ya i was kinda wondering how you did that myself. Gonna clue us in on how you used photoshop effects and brushes in paint?
Erm what? Try using some layer styles on the text and try adding some stuff to the background.
Mx you might want to make an example one just to show everyone like: Maker:Reaper of Bunny Specific Size:500x100 Background:Red/Black Render...
Its just a format you can use in sig threads.
Why is it closed to bunnies?
The smaller ones look kinda blurred to me.
oh okay like circles and other miscelaneous stuffs.
I think the body looks kinda weird but the sword is awesome. Woohoo giant ass sword! Personally though im not a big fan of the 500x200, try making...
What can i do to make this look better? 1.[IMG] 2.[IMG]
You mentioned being paid twice lol nice rant.
I dont think people are getting this... Everyone wants to be special.
Yes until i am not using elements version 2 (dammit) im stuck making bad sigs lol its doesnt even have the pen tool.
I'm still proud to have been the one to find those pigs.
Wait a minute... The Moon rotates around the Earth? WTF I thought the Sun rotated around the Earth and the Earth Rotated around the Moon. Whats...
I am glad i am a special person and the non halo ones are way better. Btw what you think of this one? [IMG]
Yes they do!
*sigh* I knew him b4 he was cool... Plus I had one of his first sigs so i say haha to u!