Haha/featured fo sho. Nice job on the EPIC interlocking. Reynbow ownzorz
This has been too many time before, and there is a better version than this. Make something creative, then we will talk.
Wow, have fun downloading without a link to the map. Please add one.
Vat da Hell? Reynbow, your randomness tickles the underside of my chin.
This isn't helping anybody. Anyway, I think this has been done way to many times. Try to be creative. This is not harsh criticism, it is constructive.
The interlocking looks very smooth. 5/5
It looks like you could play it once, and then move on to a different map.
Looks like there are too many open spots.
This very cool. I love the last pic. It looks like an intersection.
Anyone wanna make a team. Me iz leader.
It just looks like you decided to test your merging skills.
I have to say, duck hunt was genius!
Love this. The interlocking is beautiful. How long ago did you make this?
Intersection+Structure=WTF? You and Lintendo have some kind of telepathy goin, unless of course, Intersection was your inspiration.
Haha, one of the Iv0rY classics! I love it.
EPIC cause Iv0rY is just as good as this pic. Ironic? I think not!
I don't understand this map. The pics just say "hi."
This does not seem MLG to me. I like the idea though.
I guess people have their own opinions, but I don't think this looks at all like avalanche. This is an EPIC map though. The Geo-Merging is so...
I love your symbol. The maps looks very well built, too.