yeah I know, is it still relevant?
uhh whut? I dont know what that means? Sorry =(
lulz w00t w00t
I didnt even understand what hes saying lulz
Bungie Faves? ;D
Is he for real?
My xbox is away getting fixed dammit! :/
lol damm straight ;D
awh shucks.. thanks
sad face to the max.. nawh i know its stupid, it was kind of RE: Master Chief is a Ninja
Toochie being a female. What are your views on the subject? ;D lol
What the hell does he expect to get out of doing this? It's just retarded
Maybe its bungie doing this? they have the ability to do all this stuff, control everything and like to mess with people?
I'm gonna side with Nemi on this one
Oh... I guess I fail then?
As I understand it.. it is possible to get Recon in campaign, but it is insanely hard and no body knows how to get it... it may aswell be...
whoa... wtf. That is just retarded omg how do they do that?!?!
wow never heard of this before now.. looks awesome!