Behind the staircase area near the grav hammer. That platform area against the wall. Doesn't get used very much in Objective, at least when I was...
Yayz! So I'm in a team, Bisquit & Gravy Clearly that's the team that will win
You didn't Upload them, they are linked to BNet, you can't do that. Save the images to your computer then upload them to It works
Ivory, getting the soundtrack is not allowed here, use your intellect to figure it out =] The sewers were horrible... BTW that dinosaur place,...
Yeah I know, I shrug most of it off though =] And/Or ignore people =D
@ Tex, I'll make yours next. @ Sticky, I don't even know what map you want it for @ Everyone, I just do the ones I think will be cool, and in no...
Okaiz, you is teh hot =] Just thought I'd let you know that, again =]
4.5/5 This map is so good, I don't even need to say how fun it is. Mentioning how clean the interlocking is doesn't need to be said after you...
3.5/5 Okay this map looks really nice, the aesthetic appeal is certainly there and the patience it would have taken to make that building in the...
0.5/5 As much as I could pick on your for this map I will try my best to hold the flaming back. I don't see any interlocking worth noting, a...
2/5 This map looks like it could be fun to play on. It has the potential to be an okay map, though the mass amounts of weapons troubles me. If...
1/5 This doesn't seem so much as a map, as it does a pit. Could be good for minigames, unless there is more then just this screenshot to the map...
Teh Mastar! Stop NECROing your threads =[
The two guys = Hot But what the hell was all that about o_O!
Teh Mastar! You FAIL! Don't NECRO post threads, especially your own threads...
Moore, the bases would effectively be seperate. But it's supposed to feel like the room is fliping upside down when you go through the teleport. I...
The only problem with this is that the roof would be blank, and the floor, or roof, in the flipped version would just be blank... So you would...
I don't get it... o_O
That's right, type And yes Lone, you can double it up... lol... I love how you explain it and didn't even use it xD
Omg no Pen Tool, pwnt And Tex, I did say I wasn't doing any more Halo sigs, Re: Front Page? I might think about it 'cause it sounds interesting,...