Please stop bothering Brutis, it doesn't take 4 posts for someone to get the message. No more "Post does not meet standards" replies.
Welcome Kaptain, I hope your stay aboard the S.S Forge Hub is a pleasant one. Remember to Read the Map Posting Standards and have fun! (Found...
Looks pretty fun and hectic. Can't wait to DL( Can't right now because I need a new copy of Halo 3.) This concept has had many variations, but...
Welcome to Forge Hub! If you have any questions feel free to ask me or any other member of our happy not so little family, most of the time...
Alright people, I think Demonic Spirit gets it, please don't mention it again. Also, from what I can see, it looks like a good map
Well then, it seems you have a new friend, I heard he likes to hit people now, ever since cone became famous and all. Achievement Unlocked:...
Achievement Unlocked: Did Work Seriously though, great job on interlocking the map! Can't wait to see V2! :D
No problem, hopefully, my Halo 3 will be fixed(the disc is scratched beyond repair) by the time you release V2. Can't wait. -The Cheat-
@ Barkus The Man 1: I wasn't trying to say "It needs interlocking!" or "No Interlocking? You Noob" I was just trying to give Travis some helpful...
Looks decent and has a good idea. But, it's lacking in something....cover. Yes, there is A decent ammount of barriers( maybe too many?) but I...
Here's a friendly little tip from The Cheat: When, I interlock(usually done first in my map making) I use walls( to line the boxes up right) and...
Well, it sounds fun, but unfortunately, I can't Download because there's no link! please fix this :( ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Everybody! Everybody!...
Looks like a pretty decent map for your first post. Especially since it is interlocked. Also, don't get discouraged if it seemed those guys were...
I don't mean to be rude, but technically it's not the communities job to take pictures for the author. Also, if you read the replies, people said...
Holy Schminklewiggums! This looks -blamin'- awesome. Everything from the tunnel to the crossed roof it is aesthetically awesome. No offense, but...
I hate to say it but....This post does not meet forge hub standards. Look here to correct said problem:...
For the person wondering what the console code was it is: coc *Cell Name* Example: coc Balmora
looks pretty awesome, but the custom power ups...can they be reached? do they have a purpose? Why are they not interlocked?
well, it's cool nonetheless