Glad to see you posted this here midget I'am happy with how your map came out I was showing some of my friends earlier and they loved it especialy...
Yeah I'am fixing that in version 2 of "Until Darkness" it will still be dark but there will be more places for the humans to hold out and for them...
Hey the red and black spartan with the security helmet on is me! lol This was a fun map to play last night although the turrets were alittle...
Yeah no problem I just wanted to get your permission to use your idea and inncorporrate it into my map. I am going to have "the other dark" post...
Brute Captain I was woundering if I could use your overhangs in my second version of "Until Darkness" which is based on Ghost town as well I think...
Actualy Version 2 is on its way and Its ten times better IMO. It even has more places to hide in than before but remember be quick to find a...
Well at least it looks like you put alittle more time in this one than the other maps you have made. But still use some fore 101 tecniques to make...
Seems like an ok map I'll look over it good job :)
Hey duff we played together yesterday oh and good looking map.
The map is poorly put together try putting stuff lined up and straiten the boxes and suf out. All the boxes and stuff are leaning over or just...
This does not meet the standards.
No interlocking makes maps messy. Use interlocking its a way to make your map look nice and neat.
This is not very original I think everyone and their mothers have made at least 1 D-Day map. Try building something completely random.
Seen better ,although it looks ok , never liked turf though the map wasn't good for anything.
I reccomend you use more than one set of filters you could space them out to make your map seem to get darker as you play I used that tecnique in...
Look at this map link it should show you how to make your cavern level better...
Theirs not many changes you made to the map from V1 to V2 IMO you didn't need to repost this.
It looks like its messy and what kind of race course makes a driver fall off their mongoose? Overall 2 out of 10.
We have the same pic lol.
Thanks Time glitch it was fun when we played it as well as scary. :)