Lol umm I saw you sig in some other topic and I liked the idea. I am really bored and was really bored so I attempted my twist on your sig. Don't...
Bumper Jumper Sensitivity 6 Rumble Off Best settings for Sniping
On a more serious note THIS is why you should hate Elites. They are glitched. And still they haven't been fixed.
Thanks man, good feedback always makes people happy =D
The idiot probably meant Magnum
This is the tutorial here Pretty simple stuff. I do have a sig already, it will be back on the 3rd... I is warned so I can't have a sig atm......
Mmm yeah I hardly use it. Never use the Bulletins, never use it to find music or talk to friends. Just use it to look at pictures of people and...
My Myspace =] Aaron Aka Rose Aka Reynbow =D
EDIT: Just realised how long that post was =P I'm sure if you go to YouTube and do a search for "Halo 3 Pan Cam" there would be much better...
I definately agree it would be easier and less time consuming and very helpful and I want to be able to do that and... etc... but ... As Above =]
I am pretty sure I know what you're asking about. There is an ivisible platform above the highest building that you can build on. However it is...
The only reason you put "MLG" infront of the name is too get more people to look at it. Serves no purpose other than that. I would download this...
Yeah very true. To be honest, why would you make it that huge? You can barely see the trees that are outside the map. What's with all that ground?...
I've been messing around with Pan Cam and thought I would take some pictures =] Of course beeing so far out of the map causes a lot of fog over...
This looks really good, will definately download. One thing though, you need to fix your download link. It's directing me to here -...
Lol nice, I don't like many tutorial sites that I find. The onyl one I have really liekd so far is in the one in my OP. Might give the one you...
Because pointless posts rule, and I'm bored/tired and going to bed. Here is my Desktop. Dual screen Laptop/Monitor [Laptop is 1280x800 /...
But that really isn't playable then... Especially to the people that only use/have standard def TVs =\ If you're trying to make a map for all to...
Gloomy and Juicy are the only ones worth using. All the others are way too gimmicky and can not add to gameplay at all. If anything they make...
Yeah this really doesn't show anything. How is a few pictures of a couple double boxes near a wall and a bubble shield supposed to convince people...